Gezondheidsmonitor 2024 EN

The GGD Health Monitor 2024 is a national survey. It maps out health, well-being and lifestyle of residents aged 18 years and older. The results will be used for national, regional and municipal health policy. Below you will find more information about the survey.

Information about the survey

On 24 September 2024, the GGD Health Monitor 2024 will start. This national survey maps out the health, well-being, and lifestyle of Dutch residents aged 18 and older. Nationwide, more than 1,5 million randomly selected residents of 18 year and older will receive a letter asking them to participate in the survey. In the region of Zaanstreek-Waterland, more than 43.000 residents are invited.

The questionnaire covers various topics such as (mental) health, well-being, lifestyle, participation, and living environment. The survey will run until December 8, and the results are expected in the summer of 2025.

Purpose of the survey

The GGD Health Monitor 2024 provides insight into the health of Dutch residents aged 18 and older. The results allow the GGD and municipalities to focus on improving the health of their residents. For example, by organizing additional (social) activities in municipalities where loneliness is prevalent or by promoting sports activities if residents are not getting enough exercise.


Statistics Netherlands (CBS) selects individuals who are invited to participate in the GGD Health Monitor 2024. This sample closely reflects the population. These individuals will receive a letter inviting them to complete the questionnaire, which can be done online or on paper. Those who are not selected cannot participate in this survey. Participation is voluntary, and the data of participants will, of course, be treated and processed with strict confidentiality.

To obtain a reliable picture of the health, well-being, and lifestyle of residents aged 18 and older in the Netherlands, it is important that as many invited people as possible participate. On average, the questionnaire takes about 30 minutes to complete, and each participant has a chance to win a €10 gift voucher of their choice.


Municipalities are legally required to map the health status of residents in the Netherlands. They delegate this task to the GGD. The Health Monitor is conducted every four years, and municipalities use the survey results to develop and implement local health policies.


The GGDs, CBS, GGD GHOR Netherlands, and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) conduct the survey together. Ipsos I&O collects the data on behalf of these parties. Additionally, CBS collects data from a relatively small number of people through the Gezondheidsenquête. The survey for the GGD Health Monitor 2024 is coordinated with the Gezondheidsenquête, allowing data from both the GGD Health Monitor 2024 and the Gezondheidsenquête to be combined for some topics.

More information

Would you like more information or do you have questions about de GGD Health Monitor 2024? Take a look at the frequently asked questions below. Did not find an answer on your question? For questions about participation, completing the questionnaire or withdrawal you can contact Ipsos I&O, via or 0800-0191 (every day from 09.00 – 21.00 hours). For other questions, you can send an email to the researchers from GGD Zaanstreek-Waterland via

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